The Town’s Annual Meeting took place via Microsoft TEAMS on Tuesday 4th May 2021. At the meeting Petworth Town Council Chairman Liz Singleton & Vice-Chairman Alan Copus provided an update on the Council’s work over the past 12 months as well as the current financial position.
We were delighted to welcome representatives from many local organisations who attended the meeting and provided an update on the fantastic services, support, opportunities and events they make available for local residents. Those present are as follows:
- Sylvia Beaufoy Centre
- Petworth Business Association
- The Petworth Society
- Petworth Lunch Club
- Petworth Village Bus
- Petworth & District Over 60s Centre
- Petworth Area Churches Together
- Petworth & District Community Association
- Petworth Heritage Partnership
- Arun Valley U3A
- Petworth Park Sports
- Petworth Foodbank
- Midhurst & Petworth Rotary Club
- Petworth House Tennis Court
If you would like to find out more about any of the above organisations, please contact the Town Council.
We hope to meet many of these groups in person at the 2022 Annual Town Meeting!